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Knowledge Organisers


Autumn Term 1

Year 1

What do my senses tell me about the world of religion and belief?

Year 2

Why is light an important symbol for Christians, Jews and Hindus?

Year 3

How do people express commitment to a religion or world views in different ways?

Year 4

Where do religious beliefs come from?

Year 5

Is believing in a God reasonable?

Year 6

Creation or science: conflicting or complementary?


Summer Term 1 & 2

Year 1

Term 1) What does the cross mean to Christians?

Term 2) How did the universe come to be?

Year 2

Term 1) How do Jewish people celebrate Passover?

Term 2) Why do people have different views about the idea of God?

Year 3

Term 1) What difference does being a Muslim make to daily life?

Term 2) How do people express a commitment to a religion or world view in different ways?

Year 4

Term 1) Why is there so much diversity of belief within the Christian faith?

Term 2) What does sacrifice mean?

Year 5 & 6

Term 1) What difference does the resurrection make to Christians?

Term 2) How do Hindus make sense of the world?


Spring Term

Year 1

What do Jewish people remember on Shabbat?

Year 2

What does the nativity story teach Christians about Jesus?

Year 3

What is philosophy? How do people make moral decisions?

Year 4

What do we mean by truth? Is seeing believing?

Year 5 & 6

What can we learn about the world/knowledge/meaning of life from the great philosophers?
Is believing in God reasonable?

Autumn Term 2

Year 1

How does celebration bring a community together

Year 2

Why is light an important symbol

Year 3

What is the Trinity

Year 4

Where do religious beliefs come from

Year 5 & 6

How do beliefs shape identity for Muslims?