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Academy Committee (AC)

The Greenpark Academy Committee is made up of the following members:

Mr T Goode (Chairperson) - - c/o Ad Meliora Trust, 9-11 Wensum Way, King's Lynn, Norfolk PE30 2RE (01553 772018)

Rev. J Price (Vice Chairperson) - c/o Ad Meliora Trust, 9-11 Wensum Way, King's Lynn, Norfolk PE30 2RE (01553 772018)

Mrs J Graver (Executive Headteacher)

Ms L Cook (Chief Executive Headteacher)

Mr B Griffin (Community)

Ms H Wright (Staff)

Mr C Lowe (Parent)

Ms K Kavaeney (Parent)

We have two Community Academy Committee vacancies, if you would like any more information, please contact the school office