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What is Thrive?

Thrive is a systematic approach to the early identification of emotional developmental need in children so that differentiated provision can be put in place quickly by the adults working closely with the child. It is preventative, reparative, pragmatic and easy to use.

How does Thrive help us in school?

  1. Thrive teaches us the understanding of children’s behaviour as communication, improves learning skills and leads to greater attainment.
  2. It promotes ways that enable us to be productive in supporting the learning of all children.
  3. It proves us with practical strategies that can be implemented well.
  4. It supports and empowers us to provide the confidence and competence to work with challenging and vulnerable children, and with parents and integrated teams.
  5. It has allowed us to create and continue to have better relationships with all members of our school community.

Does Thrive help all children?

All children (even us adults!) need a little emotional support when things are going wrong. Thrive provides a way of understanding and addressing the emotional and social development of all. It pays specific attention to children as and when they experience interruptions to that development whenever and for whatever reason they arise.

Want to know more?

Please see the information below or contact the school office and ask for Miss Pearson